Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Calling

So I have made it a point to finish a survival horror game this weekend. I have a lot to do school wise, and I just got back from Spring Break, but I see no reason why I shouldn't delve into my little hobby. On today's menu, a retry of The Calling. So far I've been pretty frustrated with it. I even looked up an FAQ because I spent over and hour trying to prompt the next scene. Nothing. So after I finish the yummie burrito's my sweetie made I will embark on the game and hopefully I can get a review up for you all!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So, I've been away!

But I am back! And I am here to share with you some new titles. I got The Calling! I am looking forward to playing that. I also got a game that was really on the down low called Deadly Premonition. I'm not sure what to think yet. The game has started slow. I also played through Heavy Rain, it doesn't really count as a survival horror game. But it is interesting. So I can't knock it.

Everything's been quiet other wise. We have Bioshock 2 that came out, I am not as impressed with it. We are also waiting on Dead Space 2 and Dead Rising 2. So, until I can get around to playing the Calling, and hear about more great survival horror games, I bid you,

Fair well~