Friday, February 20, 2009

Wii Games worth a Look

So the Wii gets a lot of crap. "The graphics suck" "The game are for little kids." WAAAAAAH! Seriously! The Wii has great potential! And luckily for us, a few people have noticed this! While there have been greatly disappointing titles like Escape from Bug Island there are titles like Fatal Frame 4 which looks stunning!

So in my random searching, I've come across several titles. About a year ago I learned of Sadness by Nibrus. Unfortunatly the information on this title seems to be sketchy and sparse. Which is unfortunate since this game made me squeal like the fan girl I am. :p However there has been some recent footage on the internet that shows that this title may be more than vapor ware. Unfortuntaly I didn't find this information, but I read about it on Chris's Survival Horror Quest. (A favorite page of mine ^_^)

I just watched a clip for a game called Cursed Mountain. Oh my god! That game looks beautiful! All I can say is HURRY UP! I want this game so bad. It has a little bit of a Fatal Frame feel! Granted it isn't as pretty as the PS3's Siren Blood Curse, or Resident Evil on the 360, but it still looks freaking amazing! And the graphics look pretty darn awesome too!

This evening I learned of another title! The Calling. Seriously that game, from the screen cap I got to look at looks pretty awesome too! I can't wait! I will definatly be forking over the money for these titles!

Wii Ware also released a title called LIT. While I haven't purchased this game, I hope it is better than Escape from Bug Island! Oh my god that game was horrible! So when I get a chance, if the game isn't too expensive then I will grab this title as well! :)

So boo to the folks that knock the Wii. There are several great titles coming out. And hopefully we will get to see the title Winter! There is a on line petition to get the game to the states and get it sold. I urge people to go and sign it! I don't know if these work or not, but will it really kill you to stop by for 30 seconds and sign the darn thing? Me thinks no!

While this blog is new, I'm not one to just post without giving links to back up what I have found. So here is a page that I found most everything that I mentioned on! I hope you take a look and take a minute to just look at where the Wii is trying to go! It is trying to harness its potential!

Over and Out

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