Saturday, May 31, 2014

A rather long Hiatus, and The Evil Within

Hello! I don't know if anyone if following this blog anymore, but I'm back. I took the longest hiatus and I am truly sorry. I got seriously side tracked with life, and school. I'm pleased to announce that I'm finished with all of my serious schooling until grad school. I'm a state certified teacher and I'm working on some endorsements that will take me to Japan for a year. But I do intend to be back and in the game on the gaming end of my life.

I am considering restarting Cursed Mountain. The story has been nagging at me for a few days now and I think it might be time to re-tackle that game. I've also been considering starting some other none game related projects that should they get off the ground would cause me to once again abandon this blog, maybe forever. I don't know. I'm not sure how many people pop in. No one ever leaves comments. :p

Anyway, with the launch of new consoles and such, I picked up an Xbox One despite my prior reservations about the system. It had Dead Rising 3, and frankly, that game won out. PlayStation did not offer up a better game. With that came the usual game browsing, looking for the next installment in Silent Hill. Fatal Frame, Resident Evil, you know, the staples of the survival horror genera. And it lead me to "The Evil Within". O.M.G. I cannot tell you how freaking excited I am to play that game.

I refuse to read too much on the game, because people tend to not tell you about spoilers, (Looking at you GoT fandom) but I did read Kotaku's article about people freaking out watching/playing the game. (Do click the hyperlink and enjoy, it is glorious!) And that only got me more excited. Like seriously! Who does not want to play a game that gets they type of reaction from people? I cannot wait. If it doesn't freak me out, I will be deeply disappointed.

It also has a stellar line up of directors and producers. like Shinji Mikami! *Fan girl* I mean, he is like the godfather of the genera. And I'm so excited to see him step away from Resident Evil and work on a new project. It is my personal opinion that Resident Evil has deviated too much from the genera. It is more of an action game with horror elements than it is a true survival horror. Though I hear 6 does a good job bringing us back to the good old days of gaming. I haven't had time to play it. I'm sure it is something I will work on this summer between projects.

I've also recently been directed to the game Dread Out. Now, I do love me some steam games.
Terraria stole vaulable life hours from me, much like Minecraft. But these games tend to not hold my attenion like the more mainstream triple A games. However, I've followed Chris's Survival Horror Quest for as long as I can remember. And it really was the inspiration for starting my own blog. If Chris says it is worth my time then I will believe it and give it a go.

Well that is all for now. I'll come back with more when I've played some games! :D


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