Saturday, May 2, 2009

On a random Adventure! :)

So I was out and about with my friend today. And we made it to the Japanese market in Denver Colorado, and that was fun. Then we got locked out of the car in Ft. Collins. I blame the makers of jean pants pockets! :) Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with Survival Horror gaming, well my friend, it has everything to do with survival horror gaming.

The whole reason we even got locked out of the car at this juncture was because we were headed to Best Buy. And on the way got detoured to fancy cookie place. After getting the car unlocked we proceeded to Best Buy. Randomly we covered the whole store. Our initial reasoning for hitting up Best Buy was to get a new J*film. Sadly, they don't have a foreign film section. So while we are moseying around the place we end up in the computer games. And I stop to look at the cover of a game that I thought might fit within the boundaries of this blog. Well sitting next to this particular game was a PENUMBRA omnibus! I was so excited! All 3 games for $20. Sadly I didn't get it. Why? Because I have Vista, and the requirements for the game were Windows 2000/XP.

So while I find out if my PC will play this game, I can't wait to get my hands on it. I know that its not a console game which was what I started out to stay with, but this game is Epic! And I can't wait to play it! Here is a link encase you are wondering what I'm talking about:

This may well be the only PC game that sneaks into the mix, but I won't guarantee anything! After all I wouldn't be covering my bases if I didn't at least talk about PC gaming! And its horror! So there we go! :)

Until next time!

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