Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cursed Mountain-- First Thoughts

So, my old TV died, and my thus my Wii was out of commission when Cursed Mountain was released. However I did go pick it up on release date despite not having access to it for a couple of days. Today I was able to pop it in for about an hour, or two and get started! So far, I'm pretty impressed. :)

As with any game there are pros and cons. This game is no exception. However there are more pros for this game than cons.

One of the con's that really stands out for me is that the graphics are much lower than I thought they would be. Nintendo could have had better graphics if they didn't push games on to the market with such limited time, these graphics could have been better. They aren't bad mind you, they are just a bit under what I was expecting.

Another thing that is a con is that there aren't really movie scenes. I love movie scenes. Instead they have still pictures with dialog in the background. Which is okay, just a bit disappointing cause when they do give you movie scenes they are poor quality.

What I like about this game is the fights with the ghosts. While they can be a bit confusing in the beginning, after you figure it out, its pretty cool! You use both the wiimote and the nunchaku to fight them, and so you shake both or swing them in directions according to the arrows on the screen.

Another thing I like is that this game is very similar to the original Silent Hill, Fatal Frame and Resident Evil. You have limited everything, and NO GUNS! You have to use an ice pick or staff to defeat the ghosts. (Who are very Fatal Frame-ish) Personally I think this is a step in the right direction. Its taking us back to our roots and breathing life into a dying genera. A genera that is slowly becoming more action based. This one keeps its foot in the psychological arena and stays there.

Well this is all I have for now. I know there was more I liked about this game, but I have other things demanding my attention. So hopefully I can get more up soon!

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