Sunday, August 2, 2009


So, FEAR maybe a little outside the scope of this blog. However, I have deemed it relivant for one reason. It is genuinally scary. Kind of like a modern day doom! And don't tell me that the creepy long haired girl didn't freak you out! LOL

I played the demo about a year, maybe a year and a half ago. I didn't finish. I was too scared. However, I was super bored and in my boredum I picked up FEAR. So far I enjoy it a lot more. I hock this up to gaining skill after playing Left 4 Dead for hours and actually learning how to play FPS games. So I'm pretty pleased. I would like to get a hold of the expansion and the 2nd game!

Meanwhile, Alan Wake seems to have once again fallen off the grid... :( I'm begining to think people are toying with our emotions! Showing us good games just to take them away. But who knows. We may yet see Alan Wake. Also, while its not a Survival Horror game it is worthy of mention: Dead Rising 2. Zombies. Thats all I'm going to say. And we have a release date of October for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories! Woot!

I think this is it for now. More soon! <3 Liz

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