Thursday, December 17, 2009

Things have been quiet...

So things have been quiet on the Horror front. Thus I turned my attention to RPG's for awhile. Especially in light of the new Kingdom Hearts DS release. I have always enjoyed Kingdom Hearts and while I didn't get a chance to pick up the DS game, I have been replaying the first 3 that have been released. (Yes, 3. 1, 2, and Chain of Memories)

However I decided to do some horror snooping today, since I just got a copy of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories! I'm so excited!!!! >:D So we are still waiting on Alan Wake.... It will never come out. Lets just face it and move on. The sites that are up for it do not have much to offer that instills confidence in this hardened gamer. We are also awaiting Heavy Rain. Which looked wicked! And the Wii released Resident Evil 0. I also read at Chris's Survival Horror Quest that Calling was released in Japan! So that is exciting.

The Camera Lens is getting ready to release the Wii patch for FF4! I'm so excited for that! I have to still get a legit copy of the game, but man I guarantee I will be there! I check the forums every time I log in to see if maybe it came out while I was away!

I hear Saw is not really a good game. So I've put off that game until I can get it in the bargain bin. And I'm waiting for Ju-On to drop because I just can't justify $30 for that game. It seems too cheesy. So, I shall man the battle front and bring news as soon as it comes about! Have a lovely Christmas!

P.s. keep your eyes peeled for Calling!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cursed Mountain-- First Thoughts

So, my old TV died, and my thus my Wii was out of commission when Cursed Mountain was released. However I did go pick it up on release date despite not having access to it for a couple of days. Today I was able to pop it in for about an hour, or two and get started! So far, I'm pretty impressed. :)

As with any game there are pros and cons. This game is no exception. However there are more pros for this game than cons.

One of the con's that really stands out for me is that the graphics are much lower than I thought they would be. Nintendo could have had better graphics if they didn't push games on to the market with such limited time, these graphics could have been better. They aren't bad mind you, they are just a bit under what I was expecting.

Another thing that is a con is that there aren't really movie scenes. I love movie scenes. Instead they have still pictures with dialog in the background. Which is okay, just a bit disappointing cause when they do give you movie scenes they are poor quality.

What I like about this game is the fights with the ghosts. While they can be a bit confusing in the beginning, after you figure it out, its pretty cool! You use both the wiimote and the nunchaku to fight them, and so you shake both or swing them in directions according to the arrows on the screen.

Another thing I like is that this game is very similar to the original Silent Hill, Fatal Frame and Resident Evil. You have limited everything, and NO GUNS! You have to use an ice pick or staff to defeat the ghosts. (Who are very Fatal Frame-ish) Personally I think this is a step in the right direction. Its taking us back to our roots and breathing life into a dying genera. A genera that is slowly becoming more action based. This one keeps its foot in the psychological arena and stays there.

Well this is all I have for now. I know there was more I liked about this game, but I have other things demanding my attention. So hopefully I can get more up soon!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dino Crisis

I found a copy of Dino Crisis. YAY! :) I'm looking forward to putting in some play time. Unfortunately school starts tomorrow, so who knows how much time I will actually get to put in. The nice thing is most of my classes are via the internet, so I can log in anytime I want to. And do the work. So I plan on getting in a good 5 hours for that game.

I'm doing a bit of research, and everyone knows that survival horror got its start with Resident Evil and Silent Hill. What most people don't know is that this genera goes back to Atari. Atari 2600 game Haunted House featured monsters, mostly bats and ghosts, solving puzzles, and mangaing your invantory that you see in todays games. So, technically, this was the FIRST game in the genera. Then we have Sweet Home which is a Nintendo game release in 1989. This is the game that would later inspire the "opening door" loading screen seen in Resident Evil. It also featured a mansion that also would inspire RE.

Borrowed from wiki here is a synopsis of the game: Sweet Home follows a team of five people who venture into the deserted mansion of the deceased Mamiya Ichirou to photograph her frescoes. Upon entering the house, the door locks behind them and the group discover that the mansion is haunted by Mamiya's ghost, among other creatures. Now they must find a way out of the mansion before they are all killed.

I don't know if I can find these two games, I would love to get a hold of them, but these are pretty old and finding emulations, let alone ORIGINAL copies of these games may be nearly impossible!

On a more exciting note I got Nananshi no game!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Couple Games US will never see

So I stumbled across a couple of titles that I think might fit the criteria of this blog. One is Mite wa Ikenai, but I can't find much info. The cover is similar in style to Kuon, so I think that if I could get a hold of a copy it would be along these lines.

And also Twilight Syndrome 2. Watch the trailer and tell me what you think. Watch the end. That is the creepiest part!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Long Update

I know, I updated yesterday, but I had another one of my long internet binges. And here is what I found.

The very first blog I posted here listed a couple of games that were rumored to be coming out. This was back in 2006 when this blog was originally a myspace group. A couple of the titles I mentioned were:
Xbox 360: Possession, Harker, Deprived, Alan Wake, I Am Alive.

So far, the only one that isn't vaporware is Alan Wake. Though my hopes of actually seeing this game are dwindling. Sadly. The other games while sounding neat, have no substance to them. They are mentioned on IGN, but haven't been updated in about 3 years. So, I'm assuming that they won't ever happen. Which is sad cause one of them, Possession I think, was suppose to be a Zombie game.

Found a couple new games that look neat, apparently we get a new Wolfenstein game. I will consider this carefully for this group. It looks scary! And the current rumor is that we may be seeing DOOM 4! How cool would that be?

I also did some snooping under Wii titles and found some new stuff:
We are getting Cursed Mountain sometime at the end of the month, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, the Untitled Silicon Knights game, a untitled Suda51 game, Calling, Ju-On. And the games that America won't get Winter, and Fatal Frame. A moment of silence.


Okay, on to PS3: A game called Witches, which I'm not sure fits into the scope of this blog. But I will keep my eyes peeled. And Heavy Rain: The Oragami Killer. I watched a preview for this game. I figure if Condemed Criminal Origins made it in most groups this will likely follow. Plus the preview was wicked cool! >:D

And then on to the DS:
We are getting Dementum 2, Moon, and I heard about a game called Nanashi no Game. I can't find a copy of this game translated into English. But my DS is old enough that it isn't region specific, so when I place my order through I will likely toss this game in as well. If you get a chance check it out. It is very much in the style of The Ring. What is suprising about Nanashi no Game is that it is a Square Enix game. Basically this cursed game comes to people, (the game in the game is an RPG, ^_~ very nice touch Square) that once you play it kills you in 7ish days. So I will try and wrestle this game down.

Otherwise this is it for now. Hopefully I will have more news in the coming weeks!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Siren: Blood Curse

So, I would like to post my initial thoughts about Siren: Blood Curse. Firstly, $49.99 for all 12 chapters seems kinda' steep. However, once you see all that this game is doing (in the background) you understand why it is so expensive. It has taken up about 12GB on my 80 Gig hard drive. So the game is pretty huge. My one complaint is that it took forever to download and install. You have to install each chapter by itself. So I spent a good 40 minutes just letting that download. Otherwise I am blown away, and saddened that we never got Forbidden Siren 2.

I did learn something interesting while doing research on the Siren series. Apparently, the gentleman who worked on Silent Hill, Keiichiro Toyama. So you know that anything coming from a member of "Team Silent" will be great! :) Naoko Satō and Isao Takahashi, who were also member's of "Team Silent", also had critical roles in Siren's creation. So if that doesn't light a flame under some panties nothing will.

The game is pretty cool. You have this nifty ability to see into your enemies line of sight, called Sight Jacking. And that can be scary as hell. If you get to close to an alert Shibito (literal translation is Corpse) then it makes you auto Sight Jack and that can really make you freak out! Needless to say I've died a couple times because I got scared and ended up running in a circle.

The voice acting in Blood Curse is so much better than the first one. I never did get all the way through the first Siren, but I remember laughing a couple times at the terrible dialog. :p Dialog can be a real kicker for me.

I was even lucky enough to find a copy of Forbidden Siren the movie. Killer film. I spend a lot of my time watching foreign films, so I was really excited to stumble across this. Apprently it was released in 2006 along side the 2nd game! I am hoping we will see more Siren games in the future!

<3 Liz

P.s. I have created a library of the games I am working on and have completed toward this quest. If you have any suggestions please feel free to jot them down!


Sunday, August 16, 2009


So I bought a PS3 and I'm downloading Siren: Blood Curse as we speak! :) Woot! I'm really excited because I've been waiting a while to play this game! ^_^ I'm sad that there aren't more exclusive PS3 games, but what are you gunna' do? So hang tight while I play this game! Also I found copies of Cold Fear and The Suffering! So Hopefully I can get around to those!

Game on!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


So, FEAR maybe a little outside the scope of this blog. However, I have deemed it relivant for one reason. It is genuinally scary. Kind of like a modern day doom! And don't tell me that the creepy long haired girl didn't freak you out! LOL

I played the demo about a year, maybe a year and a half ago. I didn't finish. I was too scared. However, I was super bored and in my boredum I picked up FEAR. So far I enjoy it a lot more. I hock this up to gaining skill after playing Left 4 Dead for hours and actually learning how to play FPS games. So I'm pretty pleased. I would like to get a hold of the expansion and the 2nd game!

Meanwhile, Alan Wake seems to have once again fallen off the grid... :( I'm begining to think people are toying with our emotions! Showing us good games just to take them away. But who knows. We may yet see Alan Wake. Also, while its not a Survival Horror game it is worthy of mention: Dead Rising 2. Zombies. Thats all I'm going to say. And we have a release date of October for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories! Woot!

I think this is it for now. More soon! <3 Liz

Sunday, June 21, 2009


So I got an iTouch recently. And the first thing I bought for it was Silent Hill: Escape. Lets just say I'm not impressed. I defintly think that it is not very user friendly. Has great potential, so maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. HAHA. I defintly enjoyed the RE Degeneration on my phone! I miss that game. I will have to get it on my touch the next chance I have.

Got some great news at E3 2009 about Alan Wake. We got a new trailer and a potential release date! So I'm pretty stoked though I don't expect to see it until 2010. We have a date for the Ju-On game as October 27th 2009. You can preorder it here on Amazon:

I'm going to wait until that game goes down. It will drop fast in price so I won't be waiting long. Its not really expensive so I might break and buy it, but I have a few other things that I have to do first. So we will see.

Well Sorry this is so short, but I have some homework to get done!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

On a random Adventure! :)

So I was out and about with my friend today. And we made it to the Japanese market in Denver Colorado, and that was fun. Then we got locked out of the car in Ft. Collins. I blame the makers of jean pants pockets! :) Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with Survival Horror gaming, well my friend, it has everything to do with survival horror gaming.

The whole reason we even got locked out of the car at this juncture was because we were headed to Best Buy. And on the way got detoured to fancy cookie place. After getting the car unlocked we proceeded to Best Buy. Randomly we covered the whole store. Our initial reasoning for hitting up Best Buy was to get a new J*film. Sadly, they don't have a foreign film section. So while we are moseying around the place we end up in the computer games. And I stop to look at the cover of a game that I thought might fit within the boundaries of this blog. Well sitting next to this particular game was a PENUMBRA omnibus! I was so excited! All 3 games for $20. Sadly I didn't get it. Why? Because I have Vista, and the requirements for the game were Windows 2000/XP.

So while I find out if my PC will play this game, I can't wait to get my hands on it. I know that its not a console game which was what I started out to stay with, but this game is Epic! And I can't wait to play it! Here is a link encase you are wondering what I'm talking about:

This may well be the only PC game that sneaks into the mix, but I won't guarantee anything! After all I wouldn't be covering my bases if I didn't at least talk about PC gaming! And its horror! So there we go! :)

Until next time!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

More Survival Horror News! Woot!

So an interesting idea occurred to me last night, and while browsing through some of the survival horror forums out there, the idea was presented by another survival horror fan. The idea is simple, are "The Calling" and "Feel" A.K.A. Ju-On the game the same game? Well I haven't yet been able to answer this. But from the previews I would wager that the answer is a resounding YES. However, I will keep looking around until I find out. Part of me wants to believe we get two amazing games! Part of me thinks they are the same game.

Anyway while paroosing through that same forum I stumbled across Resident Evil: DarkSide Chronicles! It looks like a remake of the 2nd game. Which I'm hoping is the case. As I have just heard about this game, I don't know if this is the case. But I will keep an eye out!

So thats all for now! :) I will keep an eye out about "The Calling" and "Feel". When I know you will know! By the way, I love the music in the RE trailer!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Two in one Day! Wow! More Wii Survival Horror!

So I'm bored. And when I'm bored I like to get my hopes up! LOL cruel I know. Anyway I've posted once before about the titles Winter and Cursed Mountain. Well during my searching, I found a site that listed a few new games. I will list them now.

I think I may have mentioned this before, but Fatal Frame 4 was canceled for the American Audience. I know, a moment of silence.

But we have a few games that we should be keeping an eye out for! Among those are: The Calling, which looks scary! Feel, which is based on the Ju-On/Grudge type ghosts. I think that the director of the movies is helping put the game together. So thats neat for hard core fans of J*Horror! We are still waiting on Sadness, which I guess may be vaporware. But I'm still hoping! And most recently Silicon Knights, which is hypothasized to be kind of like Eternal Darkenss. So maybe Eternal Darkness 2? Who knows.

As always sources:

You will have to look a little down the page to see the later menitoned games, but they look pretty cool. I'm going to do some looking around for info on Feel, cause I think that looks awesome.

Here is a little on "Feel"n A.K.A. Ju-On Wii:

This game looks kinda' cool!

The Calling:

Lets hope we see some of these!

Silent Hill: The Escape

So I'm super stoked! I've been wanting an iTouch for a while. My boyfriend and I are sharing a 4th Gen 30 GB iPod I got in 2005 when I graduated from High School. I love it cause it carries everything I need, but I am sold on the iTouch as of today. Why? What could this possibly have to do with Survival Horror games? Let me induldge!

The iTouch has an application for a game called "Silent Hill: The Escape" HOLY COW! As you know I played Resident Evil Degeneration on my old Cell Phone before it died an epic death. And that game was pretty wild! I've been waiting for a Silent Hill game to hit US phones! And we now have one. I have no idea how it plays, but I guarentee to let you know once I scoop up my iTouch! In the mean time, check out the link!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories!

So, apparently we get a re-imaging of the original game. The difference is that this is going to be on the Wii! Now, I'm pretty stoked. I personally would love to see how they work with the Wii Mote. So I'm pretty excited to see this game gain some publicity! The wii as I have said before it a system that is under estimated in its potenital. Now, from spending some time in the Silent Hill forums on Myspace I can say without a doubt that there are people who are pissed about this decision.

But honestly I think its a good move. Frankly I love the idea of more interactive games. And I've been gaming for well over 3 years now. And I don't really consider myself a casual gamer! I've got a lot of titles under me. Most are horror, and I don't have a problem with the Wii getting some games. Especially since the US was boned when it comes to getting Fatal Frame 4. :( Yes, a moment of silence is required. And so are hacks!

So keep your eyes peeled for more information on this game!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Resident Evil 4

So I just concluded my game of Resident Evil 4. It took me a long time cause I forgot I was playing it. And prolly didn't touch it for about a year. Anyway, I was disappointed at the resolution of the game. :( I thought it was anti-climatic. But it was still good for its own merit. Now I embark on Resident Evil 5. A complete review of RE4 and SH5 are due soon!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Resident Evil 5

So, before Friday go check this out! :) And definatly enjoy Residen Evil 5! I'm off to finish Resident Evil 4 before the new game comes out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Resident Evil Degeneration Cell Phone Edition!

So I was sitting outside of my Psych class the other day and I was really bored. My old Cell phone had a million games on it. Including Dead Rising, and Tetris. Well that phone had an epic death while I was on the high way in October. So I was flipping through the games on my new-ish cell phone. And I came across Resident Evil Degeneration! HOLY COW! I just had to get it. So during the 30 minutes I had to kill I was killing Zombies. Its pretty neat for a Cell Phone game. I was slightly disappointed with Dead Rising and the first Resident Evil game that I had on my old phone so I didn't have have much hope for this game. However it is pretty damn neat! I got through 16 levels! Completely worth the $8 I spent on it! :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wii Games worth a Look

So the Wii gets a lot of crap. "The graphics suck" "The game are for little kids." WAAAAAAH! Seriously! The Wii has great potential! And luckily for us, a few people have noticed this! While there have been greatly disappointing titles like Escape from Bug Island there are titles like Fatal Frame 4 which looks stunning!

So in my random searching, I've come across several titles. About a year ago I learned of Sadness by Nibrus. Unfortunatly the information on this title seems to be sketchy and sparse. Which is unfortunate since this game made me squeal like the fan girl I am. :p However there has been some recent footage on the internet that shows that this title may be more than vapor ware. Unfortuntaly I didn't find this information, but I read about it on Chris's Survival Horror Quest. (A favorite page of mine ^_^)

I just watched a clip for a game called Cursed Mountain. Oh my god! That game looks beautiful! All I can say is HURRY UP! I want this game so bad. It has a little bit of a Fatal Frame feel! Granted it isn't as pretty as the PS3's Siren Blood Curse, or Resident Evil on the 360, but it still looks freaking amazing! And the graphics look pretty darn awesome too!

This evening I learned of another title! The Calling. Seriously that game, from the screen cap I got to look at looks pretty awesome too! I can't wait! I will definatly be forking over the money for these titles!

Wii Ware also released a title called LIT. While I haven't purchased this game, I hope it is better than Escape from Bug Island! Oh my god that game was horrible! So when I get a chance, if the game isn't too expensive then I will grab this title as well! :)

So boo to the folks that knock the Wii. There are several great titles coming out. And hopefully we will get to see the title Winter! There is a on line petition to get the game to the states and get it sold. I urge people to go and sign it! I don't know if these work or not, but will it really kill you to stop by for 30 seconds and sign the darn thing? Me thinks no!

While this blog is new, I'm not one to just post without giving links to back up what I have found. So here is a page that I found most everything that I mentioned on! I hope you take a look and take a minute to just look at where the Wii is trying to go! It is trying to harness its potential!

Over and Out

Monday, February 16, 2009


This blog is for the gamers out there who can never find a nearly complete list of survival horror games. However not just any game can go into this category. Certain criteria must be met before I will consider the game to b survival horror.

Games must meet ALL of the following criteria:

A.) Chilling atmosphere. If the atmosphere is close to that of Silent Hill, or Fatal Frame to even be considered. This means that the walls are covered in rust/blood, there is a feeling of isolation.

B.) Chilling Sound effects. The sound effects need to set out to scare the audience. So if there is a creaking door, then there had better be a creaking sound to follow. Squeaky floor boards, wind, random smashed glass, ect...

C.) Intent to scare. The games have to set out to scare from the beginning. Meaning you don't have to look for the horror element. Its already presented in the opening sequence. Even more basic, the game was designed to scare you.

D.) Monsters. Now this is broad because just about anything can be a monster. But to be included in the quest the monsters must be monsters. Zombies, Vampires, and Ghosts. However, games like Castlevania, which are clearly RPG type games are not included.

E.) First Person Shooter games will go under careful consideration, and will have to have been played by me to determine if they qualify for this group. Some such games that have already made it in to this category are F.E.A.R and Condemned. Third Person games are the most preferred for this particular genera.

All systems will be considered, but visual novel games are not included. As I don't view them as games, but as visual novels. So Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 306, Nintendo DS, Gameboy, Super Nintendo, Wii, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, NES, PC, ect...

What is Survival Horror?

Survival horror is typically a 3rd person perspective game in which the player has to survive an onslaught of undead, human, animal or monster like opponents, usually in claustrophobic environments. The player is typically armed, with things that can be found in their environments; lead pipes, kitchen knives, meat hooks, broken glass, ect...The player's goal is generally to escape from an isolated house or town that is inhabited mostly by zombies and monsters through shooting, melee, and puzzle solving.


The early 1990s saw the introduction of game play mechanics found regularly in more modern examples of the genre. Although the survival horror genre was popularized by Resident Evil, it was predated by earlier works such as Sweet Home, Clock Tower: The First Fear, and Alone in the Dark, which clearly had an influence on the creation of Resident Evil. Some common elements of survival horror games can be found in Haunted House, which was released in 1981 and is probably the earliest example of the genre. Alone in the Dark indeed introduced many elements, both graphical and game play-related, that were used in Capcom's creation; the use of static prerendered "camera" views as the game play field in which dynamically rendered polygonal models would act as the characters and objects, as well as a very similar character movement and combat control scheme would be some of the most similar features. Alone in the Dark's action scenes were much more sparse, though, and many of the enemies and monsters found across the game couldn't be defeated directly, and had to be avoided or outsmarted, defining the game play as more puzzle-orientated.

The term "survival horror" was first used by Resident Evil, published in 1996. The original Japanese version of Resident Evil was marketed under the previously non-existent Survival horror genre on the game's cover. A line of text also displayed the phrase "Enter the world of survival horror..." while the game was loading. Sweet Home in particular served as inspiration for Shinji Mikami to create Resident Evil.

Clock Tower and Silent Hill created a group of survival horror games that focus on psychological horror rather than just violence and shock tactics. This category deemphasizes combat in order to increase the vulnerability of the protagonist and build tension. Similar titles include the Fatal Frame series, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and Siren.
(Taken from Wikipedia)

About this Blog:

I designed this blog because I love survival horror games. What draws me in is their story lines, puzzle solving, and macabre imagery. But I guess you could also say that I'm a bit of a Horror nut. I love horror movies, and novels, and survival horror games seemed to be the next natural sequence in the path.

What really draws me into these games is the the story line. For those of us who have played Silent Hill 2 and fell in love with it, you probably know what I mean. There is just a deeper since of belonging. Like you actually connect with the characters on a personal level. And then the rest of the game is not about you, but rather it is about getting this character out alive. The next thing that draws me in is the puzzles. There are many great puzzles in these games. And many times they are super hard. But I guess that puzzle that wins it for me is in the PSP game Silent Hill: 0rigins. There is a puzzle where you have to put an anatomy dolls insides back together to get a set of glass eyes. When you put these eyes in their correct spot later, you come back and there is an actual body in place of the plastic dummy. Its the response from the character that really took me aback. “This person has been cut open and their eyes have been removed... what sort of monster could do that?” Its just trippy. Then of course there is the imagery. Who doesn't love the hair standing on the back of your next as you walk into a room covered in blood, and you hear this scratching sound but you can't find what is making it? Noting really compares.

Anyway like with movies and novels there is a lot of crap out there. And it really gets discouraging when you pick up a game that just plain sucks. Much like the slasher movies that are so prevalent in our cinema today, (nothing against Saw, but its getting old.) there are games that are classified as “horror” but really they are just bloody, and not very scary. Thus why I have given criteria for the games that should be included in this quest.

The main idea of this quest is to keep all survival horror gamers informed on the latest games coming out that fit the criteria. Because often these games slip through the cracks and don't get much advertising. It is also my attempt to weed out the bad games and find the games that are most like Silent Hill. Now obviously, I will not be able to play them all as many are discontinued and I will never find copies of them, I also do not have any computer lower than a 95 just sitting around.. But rest assured the games that I do post here will have had extensive research done before they get posted if they were before I was born. (Which really shouldn't be too much of a problem as I am an 80's baby.)

Other than that I encourage you to participate in blog discussions. You may know something that I don't. And your information is always great fully accepted! That said, I bid you good day! :)

Games Included in Discussions (but not limited too):

Silent Hill

Resident Evil

Fatal Frame

Rule of Rose




Parasite Eve

Clock Tower

Alone in the Dark


Alan Wake

Dementium: The Ward

Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Grove

Clive Barkers: Jerico


Penumbra: Overture

Soon to Be Released Games:

Xbox 360:

Alan Wake TBA
Alone in the Dark Dec. 2007
Condemned 2: Bloodshot Q2 2008
Deprived TBA
Harker 2008
Possession 2008
Resident Evil 5 2008
Silent Hill 5 2008

Nintendo Wii:

Alone in the Dark Rumored
Fatal Frame Rumored
Sadness 2008
Obscure 2 2008

Playstation 2/3


More to come as its learned!!